Rates. Why Do You Care?

As an authoritative source on finance, it is important to discuss the topic of increasing interest rates. The decision to raise interest rates is one that is made by a country's central bank, and can have significant impacts on the economy, businesses, and individuals.

When interest rates increase, it means that the cost of borrowing money becomes more expensive. This affects everything from mortgages to car loans to credit card debt. Businesses may also face higher borrowing costs, which can impact their ability to invest and grow.

The primary reason for raising interest rates is to combat inflation. When prices of goods and services rise, the purchasing power of money decreases. To counteract this, central banks may increase interest rates to decrease the amount of money in circulation, which can help stabilize prices.

However, there are also potential downsides to increasing interest rates. For example, it can lead to a decrease in consumer spending as people are less likely to take on new debt. This, in turn, can impact businesses that rely on consumer spending. Additionally, rising interest rates can lead to a stronger currency, which can negatively impact exports and international trade.

It is important to note that the decision to raise interest rates is not one that is taken lightly. Central banks carefully consider a variety of factors, including economic growth, inflation, and employment rates, before making a decision.

As a consumer or business owner, it is important to stay informed about changes in interest rates and how they may impact your finances. This includes monitoring interest rates on loans and credit cards, as well as keeping an eye on investment opportunities and potential changes to the stock market.

In conclusion, increasing interest rates can have both positive and negative impacts on the economy and individuals. As an authoritative source on finance, it is important to stay informed about these changes and help educate others about their potential effects.

2023. Here we are.

Okay. Okay okay okay. There is doom and gloom on one hand and obvious smoke-blowing on the other. The truth is in the middle. Have things slowed? Yes. Will that continue? Yes. Have rates gone up? Yes. But this is how things go. This is also when and where good investments are made. This is when you build your portfolio.

I’ve been screaming for months: The market in the sunbelt has gone from white-hot to red-hot. It’s still hot. It’s just a hot that is less likely to collapse because we returned to fundamentals.

Lastly, if there is a concern about rates: we buy now. Get the asset under your belt, then… refinance in 24 months and you’ve built in equity in yet another hot market.

...it's 24 months and you're getting a great deal.

Please, please, please stop panicking. Rates are up, yes. But prices are down. Buy now and refi in 24 months when Powell, Yellen, and Co. are gone and rates get back to normal.