Don't Belive the Media Hype. Numbers Don't Have A Politicial Agenda.

The Case-Shiller Home Price Index, which tracks changes in residential home prices across the US, reported that nationwide homes appreciated 5.8% in August, down from 6.0% in July.

Don’t let the negative media deter your clients away from a significant financial opportunity in Real Estate. Remember a deceleration in appreciation is very different from declining home prices.

Ex. A $350,000 home today at a 5.8% rate of appreciation would be worth $370,300 next year…a gain of over $20,000.


Why I Don't Think Amazon is Coming to Miami.

I want to make this clear, I am not being negative.

Personally, I would love Amazon to have HQ2 in the Miami area. We are a wonderfully diverse, vibrant, exciting place to live with lots to offer. But in thinking about the viability of an HQ in South Florida like the MBA I am, there are several reasons why I don’t think it is going to happen. Disagreements are welcome by the way.

1: Miami is at the bottom, southeastern tip of the US. This makes the supply chain to the rest for the southeast region much longer, not shorter (there is a reason FedEx and most fulfillment centers are around Nashville, TN... that isn't accidental). Anyone who has driven from Miami to anywhere else out of Florida has wondered after ten hours in the car “are we even out of the state yet”.

2.  The infrastructure is total crap.  Road construction is magnificent, but congestion is a problem already. There are only two freeways that bisect the state. Only two freeways go South to North on either coast. Congestion on either effectively eliminates alternative routes.

3.  Frequency of the possibilities of shutdowns because of natural events like hurricanes that can halt everything for a week or more. 

4.  Let's be honest about that elephant in the room; employees from Miami at that price-point aren't exactly famous for their work ethic or punctuality.  In my personal experience I have done a significant amount of business with Amazon and other shippers. Items routinely leave the fulfillment centers on time, get to Miami, and then are frequently delayed, lost, or (like the couch I ordered from Wayfair) just disappear. The problems seem to begin as soon as items get to South Florida.

There might be factors that outweigh this; no-state income tax, friendly state and local government, probably tax incentives, a multi-lingual sales force, the unlikelihood of a snowstorm shutting down operations, a great quality of life for employees. And maybe amazon has an eye toward South American operations with Miami as the perfect jumping-off point (although the socialist direction South America is turning will destroy that market entirely and very quickly). But for just the geographic piece alone, I'm not feeling this. 

The Best Referral Email I've Received All Year

Below is a cut-and-paste of a section of a referral email a realtor sent a colleague regarding a deal we just closed together and your humble correspondent. It’s brief, but I was flattered and thought others deserved to see it.

I wanted to take a moment to e-introduce you to Nicholas

James, Founder and CEO of OCF Financial down in Miami

near you and Ive ccd him here.

Nicholas and I have met recently because we were both

working the buy of a dear set of mutual friends.

He was lender, and I was agent.

The loan was NOT an easy one, and ran full spectrum of


Nicholas pulled it off with grace and style, and we closed

on time last Friday.

He specializes in the hard to close loans down in Miami,

and knowing what I do about your market I believe he

could prove to be a great asset for you.

I suggest you guys meet for lunch soon to talk about it.

Instant Curb Appeal on a Budget:

With the fall buying season heating up, at least here is Florida, curb appeal may help your house sell faster.  Below are some easy and inexpensive ways to make your house look even more amazing to prospective buyers driving by. 

Instant Curb Appeal on a Budget:

-Pressure wash everything ($80)

-Mulch around trees and flower beds ($50 buys a lot of mulch)

-Plant a lavender bush ($50)

-Plant honeysuckle vines (average cost $22)

-Add planters under windows where possible (average $16 per)

-Paint your front door ($40)

-Have a nice welcome mat (literally rolling out the welcome mat for $11)

A Discussion Regarding Condo Oversupply in Miami:

I had an interesting discussion this morning with a multi-billion dollar developer via LinkedIn regarding the condo market in Miami. I made allusion to construction slowing due to oversupply. Interesting take, I thought:

Nicholas: "Sputters"? Interesting that word was used. If oversupply is really a threat, why does it seem more projects are being green-lit every week? Or is this a case of comparison-fatigue; the market seeming to cool because it went from white-hot to just red-hot?

Developer: I can appreciate how one could draw this conclusion, but you must decipher fact from fiction. The only two new projects that are coming online is Una and Okan Tower. These projects are the exception because they do not require financing. The developers are multi-billionaires that are building for cash, without the usual financing condition of pre-sales. They are in a very advantageous position, because when these projects come online in 2022 or so, the market will have swung back around, and they will be the hottest product on the market, when others are just starting to break ground. What you see with Elysee and other towers of the 2014-2019 vintage, are developers that made 50% to 80% pre-sales in the building during the 2012-2014 run-up, and now have buyers over a barrel with significant deposits. The cranes are still up, and the developers are closing on many of their units, but the re-sale market is all but frozen. Take a look at several of our Friday Wrap Up videos for details on specific buildings, many of which have 100-400 months of inventory when you look at transaction volume over the last 6-18 months.

What Goes Into a Credit Score

It controls everything. 

Literally everything.  It's scary just how much your credit score affects your life.  What is just as scary is that seemingly nobody knows what goes into calculating the score itself. 

Since I am fairly certain not any people are going to read a long and lengthy blog post about the ins-and-outs of the algorithm, BEHOLD... an infographic: 


Renting in the USA

So it has been a while since I have posted anything.  Apologies.  Hopefully you have all been enjoying your summer. 

I came across this piece recently and it is powerful.  It shows how much it costs to rent in all of our markets.  The economy is great, and things are going well but rents are remarkably high.  I have said many, many, many times before that you are paying a mortgage whether you know it or not.  If it's me... I'd rather pay my own as opposed to a landlord's. 




Kayne just keeps surprising us.

I wish I didn't, but I kind of love all that Kayne has been doing.  Maybe it took someone of his, I'm hesitant to write "stature", but someone of his notoriety to create the tectonic shift in thought that has occurred of late.  For at least a year now I have been a believer, with some, that we are entering what will be looked on in the future as a Golden Age.  The media and entertainment industries are largely stuck in their sclerotic thinking, so it isn't being reported, but that doesn't mean it isn't happening, nor that they can stop it.  

But this is a site devoted to real estate finance so I need to keep blog posts on topic. 

The system here will not let me link directly to websites so please take a look for yourself at the link below, but here is the cut and pasted article:

Forget about albums, Kanye West now drops renderings.

The rapper turned designer, entrepreneur and now developer revealed his newly-formed architecture studio’s first project, a prefabricated affordable housing scheme, via one of his collaborator’s Instagram account this week, according to the Architect’s Newspaper.

The public release of the renderings come weeks after West filmed an interview where he spoke about his plans to build a real estate empire. In a lengthy taped conversation between him and radio and television personality Charlamagne Tha God, West said, “I’m going to be one of the biggest real estate developers of all time. Like what Howard Hughes was to aircrafts and what Henry Ford was to cars.”

The interview concluded with both men walking along a grassy hilltop on a 300-acre property owned by West, which he claimed would be the location of his first “community.” West said he planned to build five properties on the land.

West’s had a long-standing interest in architecture — he appeared at Harvard’s Graduate School of Design in 2013 to address a class from on top a desk– and has collaborated with architects such as OMA, Family, John Pawson, and Alex Vervoodt as Architect’s Newspaper reported. And, more recently, West worked with Willo Perron to renovate a more than 14,000-square-foot office building from the 1970s into the headquarters of his company, Yeezy Studio, in Calabasas, California.

But it was only last month, via Twitter, that he announced his new venture to bring architectural design in-house: “We’re starting a Yeezy architecture arm called Yeezy home,” he tweeted. “We’re looking for architects and industrial designers who want to make the world better.”