The Best Referral Email I've Received All Year

Below is a cut-and-paste of a section of a referral email a realtor sent a colleague regarding a deal we just closed together and your humble correspondent. It’s brief, but I was flattered and thought others deserved to see it.

I wanted to take a moment to e-introduce you to Nicholas

James, Founder and CEO of OCF Financial down in Miami

near you and Ive ccd him here.

Nicholas and I have met recently because we were both

working the buy of a dear set of mutual friends.

He was lender, and I was agent.

The loan was NOT an easy one, and ran full spectrum of


Nicholas pulled it off with grace and style, and we closed

on time last Friday.

He specializes in the hard to close loans down in Miami,

and knowing what I do about your market I believe he

could prove to be a great asset for you.

I suggest you guys meet for lunch soon to talk about it.