Ray Dalio's "Principles".

If you have the time, I highly, highly, highly recommend reading Ray Dalio's "Principles".  If you don't know Ray, he is the Founder and recently retired CEO of Bridgewater Capital, the most successful hedge fund in the world.  After starting working out of his detached garage with a few friends in the 80's; Bridgewater now required a minimum liquid net worth, (I think) of $75,000,000 for them to even consider them giving you an invitation for collaboration.   You read that right, you ask them if you can give them your money, and they tell you whether or not you have enough.

It's a nice place to be in business. 

So when Mr. Dalio wrote a book that was basically a collection of the email instructions he has been sending out to his employees over the last decade, I pre-ordered.  However it is a little bulky and you do start to get lost. 

Ray boiled down the main principles of "Principles" down to a 30 minute video which I highly recommend. 
