Where does the $1,000,000,000 Wells Fargo fine go

It's funny, several people have asked me where the fines levied against large corporations (specifically the recent $1,000,000 fine against Wells Fargo for their very recent actions in the mortgage market... Spoiler alert:  They were ripping people off) and to be frank, I didn't have a good answer.  I knew that nobody who was victimized ever got a dime, but I also didn't think that the money went back, at the very least, to the treasury.  There is obviously leakage when it comes to that much money, but billions can't just leak.  So where DID that money go?  

Dick Morris knows.   

As he mentioned on his daily lunch alert (which I have been trying to embed here but that won't work for some reason) the answer is a slush fund.  Apparently many "Victim's Advocacy Organizations" were established, but not many victims (I can't say "none" because I don't know) every received anything.  Essentially those are slush funds that provide money to political organizations, obviously those favorable to the politician who allowed the transfer in the first place. 

So basically an involuntary re-election campaign contribution.  Wonderful.  And totally legal I'm sure.