A Quick Divergence on Irma

As the world in general knows, the state of Florida and south Florida specifically, just experienced one of the biggest hurricane in history.  Understandably this has led to a few delays, but we were here weathering the storm, and surprisingly barely missed a beat.  48 hours later we are back and fully operational. 

However… Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the cornucopia from which all lending flows, has issued a set of new criteria for all loans in the post-Irma aftermath, rather euphemistically referred to as “Affected Areas Supplement”. 

In summation, these policies are in force for all loans not yet closed at the time of the disaster and these policies will continue for 90 days after the disaster. 

Basically, any Conventional or FHA loan will require a certification from the ORIGINAL APPRAISER and the completion of a Form 2070/2075/1004D certifying that:

1.       The property has not sustained any flood, tornado, or wind damage AND

2.       Interior AND exterior photographs and

3.       Statement on the neighborhood conditions as they relate to flood, tornado, or wind damage. 

This re-inspection is the responsibility of the borrower and the fee will be reflected on the closing statement. 

…and before you ask, this is coming from Fannie/Freedie so there is no way around it and no appeal.