I watched the Congressional debates, listened to the pundits of both sides, and did my own research .... despite the hysterics, hyperbole, and outright fear-mongering and lies from opponents to the plan, "The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act" will benefit the vast majority of families in the lower and middle classes.
Can a single opponent explain - without exploding into exaggerated, generic hyperbole: How nearly doubling the standard deductions is bad for families? Why doubling the child tax credit is awful? How lowering the tax bracket rates for EVERY single family earning less than $400,000 is disastrous? How increasing the medical expense deduction is hurtful to Americans? The list of benefits in this Act go on and on.
To compensate (some like to say "pay") for these substantial tax cuts, the government will either have to either increase overall taxable revenues, or simply make cuts to bloated, overgrown, out-dated government systems. And considering how out-of-control the government has become, cutting less than 8% of its current expenditures can't be that difficult.